Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Get Your Music Played In Films & TV Shows!

Get Your Music Played In Films & TV Shows!

If you want your music played in films and TV programs, read this incredible article.

By the way...in the very next "B# Newsletter" (coming up soon), we will reveal several new, unique methods to start 2007 off, not with a quiet whimper, but with a financial (((((BANG!)))))

So, if you don't want to miss this particular article that can mean thousands of music dollars in your pocket within only a few weeks of reading it, I encourage you to sign up for the newsletter NOW!

Meanwhile, read what our newsletter readers (including College Music professors) say about "The B# Newsletter!"

(Billboard News on "The B# Newsletter")

(Kenny Love's Billboard Radio Interview on "The B# Newsletter")


Kenny Love, Publisher/Editor

(Musician Testimonials on MuBiz.com Promotion & Publicity)

(About Kenny Love & MuBiz.com)
(MuBiz.com Hqtrs.)
(MuBiz.com Mission Statement)
(Advertise Your Band Cheap!)
(MuBiz.com's Radio Promo)
(MuBiz.com's Gig Promo)
(MuBiz.com's Video Scripts)
(MuBiz.com's Radio Commercial)
(The B# Newsletter)
(MuBiz.com's Online Classes)
(Kenny Love's Music Resumé)
(Kenny Love's Writing Resumé)


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