Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Addendum to "Final Offer" Notice

I am corresponding to inform you of our Music promotion and publicity
company's annual *Special* combined promotion and publicity offer
that ends at midnight on Tuesday (tonight), December 12, 2006.

For the past several years in December, we have made similar offers
to unsigned/independent recording artists to take advantage of and get
their music promotion and publicity off to a fast start in the new year.

As you can imagine, this is a very successful campaign that is eagerly
looked forward to each year by unsigned/independent recording artists.

Once each year, our already affordable rates of $175 per week are
reduced to almost half ($100 per week for a certain period of time)
while still allowing our clients access to our complete worldwide radio
promotion, video promotion, press publicity and, for the first time ever
this year, our FREE gig promotion service.

However, for obvious reasons, we always limit this offer to the first
TEN (10) people who respond.

Details are available at http://www.MuBiz.com/End-Of-Yr-Promo.html

In advance, thanks.

~ Kenny Love, President/CEO

P. S. Outside of the Music industry, I also serve the Publishing
industry as a Fiction writer. If you decide to take this *special*
combined music promotion and publicity offer that, again, ends
at midnight tonight and is limited to TEN (10) people, to show
my sincere appreciation, I will also send you a FREE
autographed copy of my 320-page hardcover Science Fiction
novel titled, "Millennium Eve."

It normally sells on Amazon.com for $24.95 and you can get
complete details on it, as well as review more samples of my
Fiction works at http://www.MuBiz.com/KLFiction.html

(Musicians' Testimonials)

(Readers' Testimonials)

(Your Songs In Movies/TV)

(Billboard News on The B# Newsletter)

(My Billboard Radio Interview)

(MuBiz.com's Mission Statement)

(Advertise Your Band Cheap!)

(MuBiz.com's Promo/Pub.)

(MuBiz.com's Gig Promo)

(MuBiz.com's Video Scripts)

(MuBiz.com's Radio Commercial)

(The B# Newsletter)

(MuBiz.com's Online Classes)

(My Music Resumé)

(My Writing Resumé)

(Dual Airplay for GOSPEL Recording Artists)


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