Incredible Summer Gig$!
If you dread the idea of another summer of gigs spent in hot, smoky nightclubs making a limited and small amount of money, in exchange for the opportunity to ingest second-hand smoke and firsthand cancer, check out my new article in today's B# Newsletter titled, "Incredible Summer Gig$ (gigs you may never have thought of)."
As the title reflects, these are 20 of the most incredible gigs, with many that literally grant you a few breaths of fresh air while paying extremely well. In fact, after signing on for several of these, you may never return to nightclub gigs.
But, you need to see these gigs right now so that you can immediately lock them down before your area competitors do, as this is the perfect time frame to make sure they get kicked off at the beginning of the upcoming Summer season.
To read "Incredible Summer Gig$...," which is a brief article that will take LESS than 5 minutes of your time, please go sign up.
Then, go to today's Message #216.
Kenny Love, Editor
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