Saturday, December 10, 2005

How To Promote CDs At Gigs You Never Play

* How much would it be worth to you to learn how to promote your CD at gigs you never even play, but create a large number of sales from these gigs just the same?

* While these particular gigs are promoting your CD, at the same time, what if you could play a completely different gig and get paid for it while also selling CDs at it and, in fact, possibly *doubling* and *tripling* your CD sales profits *each* night?

* Even better, what if you could not only do this in your own local area, but also do it regionally, nationally, and even internationally?

If this is one of the craziest things you have ever heard, but you also immediately recognize the incredible potential for exposure and sales, you can actually learn how to do this for free by checking out my brand new article that is within today's issue of [The B# Newsletter] titled...

==> "How to Promote CDs At Gigs You Never Play"...<==

To read it (Message #176), simply sign up at:

[The B# Newsletter]

In advance, thanks.

~ Kenny Love
*NEW* Music Business 101 Course

*NEW* Online Music Bu$iness Course Moved Up

*NEW* Online Music Bu$iness Course Moved Up

Due to a large number of requests from musicians desiring to get started quickly with our *new* online Music Business 101 course in order to be prepared competitively for their January music release dates, we have moved our first two class sessions up to this coming Monday (December 12, 2005) and the following Monday (December 19, 2005), respectively.

The class following the December 19th class, however, will not be held until after the holidays on Monday, January 2, 2006.

Our normal/future deadline will be on Wednesdays, however, we are extending the first week session's deadline until today (Saturday, December 10, 2005).

All class sessions are on a "first come, first served" basis, and our class limit is ten (10) students for any particular session.

We also have a complete course syllabus/outline available online for your review, which includes; the course description, topics to be covered, course goals and objectives, and additional peripheral information.

For details, go to: Kenny Love's Music Business 101.

Thanks to many of you for having expressed ongoing interest in this particular course.

~ Kenny Love

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