How To Eliminate Music Career Killers Called Day Jobs
How To Eliminate Music Career Killers Called Day Jobs
As a musician/recording artist, have you ever heard those death defying words from well-meaning family and friends that say...
"It's great that you want to make a career from music, but you still need a day job. So, be sure you get a college
degree to fall back on that will be your 'ace in the hole'."
If you have heard those words, didn't they seem to imply that Music wasn't a bonafide wage earner, and could not
be relied upon to support you financially?
Even further, wasn't it like saying that *YOU* were not good enough to 'make it' successfully in Music and
support yourself with it, even though others have done so before you and even more will do so after you?
These are some of the most disheartening words that any musician can ever hear from people who, obviously, don't understand that music is more than a chosen vocation. In fact, it is the complete reversal, with most musicians seeming to be "spiritually called" by Music itself, regardless of their genre.
At the risk of sounding sacrilegious, most musicians qualify as "Musicevangelists" based on their incredible passion for their art.
At the risk of disappointing those well-meaning family members and friends, are you now working at an unrelated
"day job" that is currently driving you crazy just by having to show up at it on a daily basis while sacrificing this time that could be best spent working on your music career?
My new article in The B# Newsletter is for all musicians who have heard such heartbreaking words, for all musicians who will hear such heartbreaking words, and for all musicians who are working an unrelated day job that they despise, or maybe even hate. And, having said that, this also means this article is probably for every musician at some point in his or her music career.
It is titled, "Ace In The Hole/Fallback Day Jobs" and I am of the opinion that every musician/recording artist reading this post should also read this article, because I cite a real-life and regrettable experience that a friend of mine is currently going through at this very moment at the tender age of 56 for having succumbed to this very career detriment.
And, if you are not getting enough gigs or selling enough of your music to earn a decent income, and are forced into working at an unrelated day job, in my article, I also give you 20 Music-related jobs of which, at least, one (if not more) you are guaranteed to fall in love with and start immediately in order to replace your nightmarish unrelated day job.
To read this article, please sign up on the B# Newsletter site, then go to Message #213, dated March 22, 2007, and titled "The B# Newsletter (For Musicians)."
In advance, thank you and, as usual, I eagerly look forward to your responses and comments regarding the article.
Kenny Love, Editor
B# Newsletter
The KEL Group
As a musician/recording artist, have you ever heard those death defying words from well-meaning family and friends that say...
"It's great that you want to make a career from music, but you still need a day job. So, be sure you get a college
degree to fall back on that will be your 'ace in the hole'."
If you have heard those words, didn't they seem to imply that Music wasn't a bonafide wage earner, and could not
be relied upon to support you financially?
Even further, wasn't it like saying that *YOU* were not good enough to 'make it' successfully in Music and
support yourself with it, even though others have done so before you and even more will do so after you?
These are some of the most disheartening words that any musician can ever hear from people who, obviously, don't understand that music is more than a chosen vocation. In fact, it is the complete reversal, with most musicians seeming to be "spiritually called" by Music itself, regardless of their genre.
At the risk of sounding sacrilegious, most musicians qualify as "Musicevangelists" based on their incredible passion for their art.
At the risk of disappointing those well-meaning family members and friends, are you now working at an unrelated
"day job" that is currently driving you crazy just by having to show up at it on a daily basis while sacrificing this time that could be best spent working on your music career?
My new article in The B# Newsletter is for all musicians who have heard such heartbreaking words, for all musicians who will hear such heartbreaking words, and for all musicians who are working an unrelated day job that they despise, or maybe even hate. And, having said that, this also means this article is probably for every musician at some point in his or her music career.
It is titled, "Ace In The Hole/Fallback Day Jobs" and I am of the opinion that every musician/recording artist reading this post should also read this article, because I cite a real-life and regrettable experience that a friend of mine is currently going through at this very moment at the tender age of 56 for having succumbed to this very career detriment.
And, if you are not getting enough gigs or selling enough of your music to earn a decent income, and are forced into working at an unrelated day job, in my article, I also give you 20 Music-related jobs of which, at least, one (if not more) you are guaranteed to fall in love with and start immediately in order to replace your nightmarish unrelated day job.
To read this article, please sign up on the B# Newsletter site, then go to Message #213, dated March 22, 2007, and titled "The B# Newsletter (For Musicians)."
In advance, thank you and, as usual, I eagerly look forward to your responses and comments regarding the article.
Kenny Love, Editor
B# Newsletter
The KEL Group